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Refund Policy


Updated: 2019-11-27

Initial Purchase Charges

  • Within 30 days of initial charge.

Monthly Recurring Rebill Charges

  • No Refunds.
  • Cancel your billing prior to your rebill date if you wish to avoid further charges.

Annual Recurring Rebill Charges

  • Within 7 days of last charge.
  • An email reminder of the upcoming rebill charge will be sent 48 hour prior to the charge.

Initiating A Refund

In order to request your refund, please issue a support ticket: http://supremacy.support

Include the following information:

  1. Product Purchased
  2. Receipt or Transaction ID From Purchase
  3. Date of Purchase
  4. Reason For Refund Request.

Refund Processing

  • Please allow up to 5 business days for your refund to be processed.

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